Overview of TLDs (Domain Name Extensions)

Registration (Anchor: reg)

TLD Duration (Years) Money Back Grace Period (Days) See details Country / Sponsor Specific Requirements Domain Name Length Name Servers Required for Zone Delegation See details 60 Day Transfer Lock IDN Support
.ASIA 1 - 10 4 CED Contact See details to be based in DotAsia community 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.AT 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 8
.AU 1-5

.AU domain names are only available for registration to Australian entities or companies incorporated in Australia. See details

2 - 63 Characters 2 - 6
.APP  1-10 None 3-63 Characters 1-13
.BIZ 1 - 10 4 None 1 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.BR 1 - 10 .BR domain names are only available for registration to individuals or companies based in Brazil. See details


3 - 63 Characters3 - 63 Characters     2 - 13
.BZ 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.CA 1 - 10 Canadian presence required for any Contact assigned as the Registrant. See details 2 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.CC 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.CL 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.CN 1 -10 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 6
.CO 1 - 5 0 Registration of .ORG.CO, .EDU.CO, .MIL.CO, .GOV.CO domain names is restricted. See details 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.CO.DE 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.CO.ZA 1 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.COM 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.COM.DE 1 - 10 German presence required for either Registrant or Admin Contact. 3 - 64 Characters 1 - 13
.COOP 1 - 10 Need to associate one Sponsor in COOP community 1 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.DE 1 0 German presence required for either Registrant or Admin Contact. See details 1 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.DEV 1-10 None 3-63 Characters 1-10
.ES 1 - 5 0 The Registrant Contact of a .ES domain name may either be a natural person/individual or a company. However, the Admin, Technical and Billing Contacts must be natural persons/individuals only. See details 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 7
.EU 1 - 10 0 Registrant needs to be from EU See details 2 - 63 Characters 1 - 9
.FR 1-10 4 Registrant country needs to be from the EU (or the 4 countries of the European economic Zone: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland). 3-63 Characters 2-13
.HN 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.ID 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.IN 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.IN.NET 1 - 10 None 3 - 64 Characters 1 - 13
.INFO 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.JOBS 1 - 10 4 Registration requests will be verified by the Registry, prior to domain name activation. 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.ME 1 - 10 Registrant for Third level .ME domain name needs
to be a Montenegrin individual/entity.
3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.MN 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.MOBI 1 - 10 4 Associated website should be WAP enabled 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.MX 1 - 6 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.NAME 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.NET 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.NL 1 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.NZ 1 - 10 None 1 - 63 Characters 2 - 10
.ORG 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.PAGE 1-10 None 3-63 Characters 1-13
.PH 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.PRO 1 - 10 None 4 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.PW 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.RU 1 None 2 - 64 Characters 2 - 13
.SC 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.SHABAKA 1 - 10


3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.SX 1 - 10


3 - 63 Characters 2 - 10
.TEL 1 - 10 4 None 2 - 63 Characters 5
.TV 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.UK 1 - 10 0 None 6 - 64 Characters for .co.uk/.me.uk TLDs (including the TLD) See details

7 - 64 Characters for .org.uk TLD (including the TLD) See details

1 - 13
.US 1 - 10 0 Nexus Compliance See details 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.VC 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.WEB.IN 1 - 10 None 3 - 64 Characters 2 - 13
.WS 1 - 10 None 4 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
.XXX 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
CentralNic Domains 1 - 10 None 3 - 63 Characters 1 - 13
Donuts Domains 1 - 10 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Rightside / Demand Media 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Afilias gTLD Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Famous Four 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
PIR gTLD Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Uniregistry 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Minds and Machines 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
ZACR 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2- 13
ARI Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
CentralNIC gTLD Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Radix Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Neustar Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
Verisign New gTLD Domains 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.BHARAT 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.BERLIN 1- 10 years 4 Yes (City should be berlin) 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.QUEBEC 1- 10 years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 2 - 13
.BLOG 1-10  years 4 None 3 - 63 Characters 1-13

Renewal (Anchor: ren)

TLD Duration (Years) See details Auto Renewal See details Renewal Grace Period (Days) Constraints / Notes
.ASIA 1 - 10 40 None
.APP 1 - 10 None
.AT 1 - 10 None
.AU 1-5

You may Renew your .AU domain name anytime from 90 days prior to it's Expiry until days after it Expires.

.BIZ 1 - 10 36 None
.BR 1 - 10 None
.BZ 1 - 10 None
.CA 1 - 10      None
.CC 1 - 10 36 None
.CL 1 - 10 None
.CN 1 - 10 None
.CO 1 - 5 40 .EDU.CO, .MIL.CO, .GOV.CO domain names are automatically renewed for a period of 5 years post their Expiry.
.CO.DE 1 - 10 None
.CO.ZA 1 15 A .CO.ZA domain can be renewed only if there is less than a year left for it's expiry
.COM 1 - 10 36 None
.COM.DE 1 - 10 None
.COOP 1 - 10 None
.DE 1 0

A .DE domain name will Expire on the 5th last day of the Expiry month, upon Registration, Renewal or Transfer.


If yourdomain.de is registered on January 1, 2011, it's Expiry Date becomes January 27, 2012 as the Registration term is 1 year and the 5th last day of January 2012 is January 27.

.DE domain names should be Renewed prior to their Expiry date. Upon Expiry of a .DE domain name:

  • you will no longer be able to manage your .DE domain name with www.bookyourdomain.in.

  • your .DE domain name will be transferred directly under the .DE Registry (DENIC) and you will receive instructions from DENIC for managing your domain name with them.

.DEV 1 - 10 None
.ES 1 - 5 9 None
.EU 1 - 10 0

A .EU domain name registered before 15 September, 2014 will expire on the second last day of the month it was registered in and will be Deleted, if not Renewed

A .EU domain name registered after 15 September, 2014 will expire at the end of its registration term (on the same day) and will be Deleted, if not Renewed.

.FR 1-10 36 None
.HN 1 - 10 None
.ID 1 - 10 None
.IN 1 - 10 36 None
.IN.NET 1 - 10 None
.INFO 1 - 10 36 None
.JOBS 1 - 10 36 None
.ME 1 - 10 None
.MN 1 - 10 None
.MOBI 1 - 10 36 None
.MX 1 - 6 None
.NAME 1 - 10 40 None
.NET 1 - 10 36 None
.NL 1 You can not Renew your .NL domain name until 60 days prior to its Expiry.
.NZ 1 - 10 None
.ORG 1 - 10 36 None
.PAGE 1 - 10 None
.PH 1 - 10 None
.PRO 1-10 None
.PW 1 - 10 None
.RU 1 You can not Renew your .RU domain name until 60 days prior to it's Expiry.
.SC 1 - 10 None
.SHABAKA 1 - 10 None
.SX 1 - 10 None
.TEL 1 - 10 40 None
.TV 1 - 10 36 None
.UK 1 - 10 90 Domain name can be Renewed anytime before its Expiry, upto 90 days after its Expiry.
.US 1 - 10 36 None
.VC 1 - 10 None
.WEB.IN 1 - 10 None
.WS 1 - 10 Renewal before expiry is highly recommended.
.XXX 1 - 10 None
CentralNic Domains 1 - 10 None
Donuts Domains 1 - 10 40 None
Rightside / Demand Media 1 - 10 36 None
Afilias gTLD Domains 1 - 10 36 None
Famous Four 1 - 10 36 None
PIR gTLD Domains 1 - 10 36 None
Uniregistry 1 - 10 36 None
Minds and Machines 1 - 10 36 None
ZACR 1 - 10 36 None
ARI Domains 1 - 10 36 None
CentralNIC gTLD Domains 1 - 10 36 None
Radix Domains 1 - 10 36 None
Neustar Domains 1 - 10 36 None
Verisign New gTLD Domains 1 - 10 36 None
.BHARAT 1- 10 36 None
.BERLIN 1- 10 36 None
.QUEBEC 1 - 10 36 None
.BLOG 1 - 10 36 None

Transfer (Anchor: trf)

TLD Registration Term Extended By (Years) Domain Secret / Auth Code Length See details Constraints / Comments 60 Day Transfer Lock
.ASIA 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.APP 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.AT 1 None None
.AU 0 6 - 32 Characters Transfer is free of cost.
.BIZ 1 6 - 16 Characters 1 and 2 character domain names can also be transferred in.
.BR 0 8 - 32 Characters Transfer is free of cost.
.BZ 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.CA 1 6 - 16 Characters Only Domain Transfer Secret / Authorization Code needed to Transfer a .CA domain name.
.CC 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.CN 1 1 - 16 Characters Transfer not possible if there are less than 15 days to domain name Expiry.
.CO 1 6 - 16 Characters .ORG.CO, .EDU.CO, .MIL.CO, .GOV.CO domain names can not be transferred
.CO.DE 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.CO.ZA 0 NA None
.COM 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.COM.DE 1 6 - 48 Characters None
.COOP 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.DE 1 8 - 255 Characters Only Domain Transfer Secret / Authorization Code needed to Transfer a .DE domain name.
.DEV 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.ES 0 None Transfer is free of cost.
.EU 1 16 letters and digits separated by dashes, in the format XXXX-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC None
.FR 1 8-32 Characters None
.HN 1 8 - 64 Characters None
.ID 1 6 - 255 Characters None
.IN 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.IN.NET 1 6 - 48 Characters None
.INFO 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.JOBS 1 8 - 32 Characters Change of Registrant during Transfer will necessitate re-verification.
.ME 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.MN 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.MOBI 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.MX 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.NAME 1 1 - 32 Characters None
.NET 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.NL 1 12 Characters The Registration term gets extended by 1 year w.r.t. the date of Transfer.
.NZ 0 8 Characters

Transfer is free of cost.

Transfer not possible within the initial 5 days of Registration

.ORG 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.PAGE 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.PH 1 None None
.PRO 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.PW 1 6 - 48 Characters None
.RU 0 None

Transfer is free of cost.

Transfer involves submitting documentation to Registrar RU-Center

  • Transfer between Registrars:

    • 2nd Level .RU domain names: 30-Day Transfer Lock

    • 3rd Level .RU domain names: Can not be Transferred among Registrars

  • Transfer between Registrar RU-Center and any of their Partners: Both 2nd Level and 3rd Level .RU domain names can be Transferred without any restrictions.

.SC 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.SHABAKA 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.SX 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.TEL 1 1 - 16 Characters None
.TV 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.UK 0 None Transfer does not include one year Renewal.
.US 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.VC 1 6 - 16 Characters None
.WEB.IN None None None
.WS 1 1 - 30 Characters None
.XXX 1 6 - 16 Characters None
CentralNic Domains 1 6 - 48 Characters None
Donuts Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Rightside / Demand Media 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Afilias gTLD Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Famous Four 1 8 - 32 Characters None
PIR gTLD Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Uniregistry 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Minds and Machines 1 8 - 32 Characters None
ZACR 1 8 - 32 Characters None
ARI Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
CentralNIC gTLD Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Radix Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Neustar Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
Verisign New gTLD Domains 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.BHARAT 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.BERLIN 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.QUEBEC 1 8 - 32 Characters None
.BLOG 1 8 - 32 Characters None

Restoration / Redemption Grace Period (Anchor: res)

TLD Supported See details Grace Period (Days)
.ASIA 30
.APP 30
.AT None
.AU None
.BIZ 30
.BR 90
.BZ 30
.CA 30
.CC 30
.CL 30
.CN 15
.CO 30
.CO.DE 30
.CO.ZA 20
.COM 30
.COM.DE 30
.COOP None
.DE None
.DEV 30
.ES None
.EU 40
.FR 30
.HN 20
.ID 30
.IN 30
.IN.NET 30
.INFO 30
.JOBS 30
.ME 30
.MN 30
.MOBI 30
.MX 30
.NAME 30
.NET 30
.NL 40
.NZ 90
.ORG 30
.PAGE 30
.PH None
.PRO 30
.PW 30
.RU None
.SC 30
.SX 30
.TEL 30
.TV 30
.UK None
.US 30
.VC 30
.WEB.IN None
.WS 30
.XXX 30
CentralNic Domains 30
Donuts Domains 30
Rightside / Demand Media 30
Afilias gTLD Domains 30
Famous Four 30
PIR gTLDs 30
Uniregistry 30
Minds and Machines 30
ARI Domains 30
CentralNIC gTLD Domains 30
Radix Domains 30
Neustar Domains 30
Verisign New gTLD Domains 30
.BLOG 30

Other Operations (Anchor: oth)

TLD Child Name Servers See details Theft Protection / Locks See details Suspension See details Contact Details Modification See details Move Operation See details Privacy Protection See details
.ASIA Unlimited No Restriction
.APP Unlimited No Restriction
.AT Unlimited Name, Company and Country associated with a .AT Contact cannot be modified.
.AU Unlimited

Theft Protection:


No Restriction
.BIZ Unlimited No Restriction
.BR Unlimited

Theft Protection:


No Restriction
.BZ Unlimited No Restriction
.CA Unlimited

You can not modify the Registrant Contact's Name of a .CA domain name. If you wish to modify the Registrant Contact details of your .CA domain name, you need to instead create a new Contact and assign it as the Registrant Contact.

.CC Unlimited No Restriction
.CL Unlimited No Restriction
.CN Unlimited No Restriction
.CO Unlimited No Restriction

(only for .CO, .COM.CO, .NET.CO, .NOM.CO)

.CO.DE Unlimited No Restriction
.CO.ZA Unlimited A contact modification action once placed will take 5 days to complete. No other updates can be made to the domain name during this time.
.COM Unlimited No Restriction
.COM.DE Unlimited No Restriction
.COOP Unlimited When a Registrant Contact Organization is changed, the Registry will review the new organization to ensure that it is an eligible co-op. Transfer to a non-eligible organization can result in revocation of the domain.
.DE 2 - 13

The Registrant or the Administrative Contact of a .DE domain name needs to be from Germany. This implies that the country of either of these Contacts needs to be Germany.

While modifying the Contact Details of a .DE domain name, the .DE Registry checks if the Name Servers used by the domain name contain a Zone for this domain name and the correct NS and A Records. See details

.DEV Unlimited No Restriction
.ES Unlimited
  • For Registrant Contact:

    • The Registrant Contact of a .ES domain name may either be a natural person/individual or a company.

    • You may neither modify any Contact Details nor select another Contact as the Registrant Contact, of a registered .ES domain name.

  • For Other Contacts:

    • The Admin, Technical and Billing Contacts must be natural persons/individuals only.

    • You may not modify any Contact Details. However, you may add another .ES Contact and select the same as either the Admin, Technical or Billing Contact.

  • Common: While adding a .ES Contact, you need to provide additional identification information. See details

.EU 1 - 9 No Restriction
.FR Unlimited
  • Modification of name, email address or/and organization of the Registrant contact will require email authorization from both the losing and the gaining Registrant.
  • Registrant country needs to be from the EU (or the 4 countries of the European economic Zone: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland).
  • Contacts can be of two types, Individual or Company.
.HN Unlimited No Restriction
.ID Unlimited No Restriction
.IN Unlimited No Restriction
.IN.NET Unlimited No Restriction
.INFO Unlimited No Restriction
.JOBS Unlimited Change of Registrant will necessitate re-verification.
.ME Unlimited No Restriction
.MN Unlimited No Restriction
.MOBI Unlimited No Restriction
.MX Unlimited No Restriction
.NAME Unlimited Registrant details can not be modified during the Add Grace Period.
.NET Unlimited No Restriction
.NL Unlimited Name, Company Name and the Legal Form associated with the Registrant Contact cannot be modified.
.NZ 1 - 8 No Restriction
.ORG Unlimited No Restriction
.PAGE Unlimited No Restriction
.PH Unlimited No Restriction
.PRO Unlimited No Restriction
.PW Unlimited No Restriction
.RU Unlimited Theft Protection:



Modification of Name, Address, Organization and Other Details associated with a .RU domain name require documentation to be submitted to Registrar RU-Center. See details

.SC Unlimited No Restriction
.SHABAKA Unlimited No Restriction
.SX 10 No Restriction
.TEL Not Supported When a .TEL domain name is registered, the system automatically creates an account for accessing the .TEL Hosting Control Panel and sends the login details to the Registrant Contact. If moving of your .TEL domain name involves change of the Registrant Contact, then you need to also update the email address associated with the .TEL Hosting Control Panel for this domain name. See details
.TV Unlimited No Restriction
.UK Unlimited Registrant Name/Company modification See details is a billable action.
.US Unlimited No Restriction
.VC Unlimited No Restriction
.WEB.IN Not Supported No Restriction
.WS Unlimited No Restriction
.XXX Unlimited No Restriction
CentralNic Domains Unlimited No Restriction
Donuts Domains Unlimited No Restriction
Rightside / Demand Media Unlimited No Restriction
Afilias gTLD Domains Unlimited No Restriction
Famous Four Unlimited No Restriction
PIR gTLDs Unlimited No Restriction
Uniregistry Unlimited No Restriction
Minds and Machines Unlimited No Restriction
ARI Domains Unlimited No Restriction
CentralNIC gTLD Domains Unlimited No Restriction
Radix Domains Unlimited No Restriction
Neustar Domains Unlimited No Restriction
Verisign New gTLD Domains Unlimited No Restriction
.BLOG Unlimited No Restriction